Privacy Policy

In the vast savannah of digital information, Kenya Weekly Post stands as a proud acacia tree, providing shade and nourishment to all who seek truth and knowledge about our beloved Kenya. Just as the acacia protects its leaves, we vow to safeguard your personal information with the fierceness of a lioness guarding her cubs.

1. Introduction: The Dawn of Trust

1.1 Kenya Weekly Post (“we,” “our,” or “us”) is a digital watering hole in the information landscape, where data flows like the lifeblood of our nation. We honor the sanctity of your personal information as prescribed by the Data Protection Act, 2019, and its accompanying regulations.

1.2 This Privacy Policy is our solemn vow, explaining how we gather, nurture, and protect the seeds of data you entrust to us. It applies to all who drink from our digital spring – be they visitors to our website, users of our services, or partners in our mission.

2. Collection of Information: Harvesting the Fields of Data

2.1 Like a skilled farmer, we collect only what we need, when we need it. The information we gather includes, but is not limited to:

  • Your identity (name, age, gender)
  • Contact details (address, phone number, email)
  • Digital footprints (IP address, browsing habits)

2.2 We collect this information when you:

  • Register for our services
  • Engage with our content
  • Participate in our surveys or competitions
  • Contact us with queries or feedback
  • Visit our website

3. Use of Information: Nurturing the Seeds of Knowledge

We use your information to:

  • Deliver our services with the precision of a cheetah’s sprint
  • Respond to your queries with the wisdom of an elder
  • Keep you informed about our offerings, like a town crier in the digital age
  • Comply with legal requirements, as steady as the laws of nature
  • Conduct research to improve our services, like a curious gazelle always learning

4. Retention of Data: The Circle of Digital Life

We retain your data only as long as necessary, like the seasonal rains that come and go. When the purpose is fulfilled, we let it return to the earth, unless required by law or for historical purposes.

5. Disclosure of Information: Sharing the Harvest

5.1 We share your information as carefully as a mother elephant shares water with her herd:

  • With law enforcement, when required by the roar of legal duty
  • With our trusted partners, who help us deliver our services
  • With professional advisors, like the wise council of village elders

5.2 Marketing Messages:

  • We will seek your explicit consent before sending marketing messages
  • You can opt out at any time by contacting us at [email protected]

6. Cookies and Web Beacons: The Digital Tracks We Leave

Like the footprints of animals at a watering hole, cookies help us recognize you and remember your preferences. You can choose to erase these tracks, but it may limit your experience on our digital savannah.

7. Social Media Features: The Digital Gathering Places

Our website includes social media features, like birds of different species sharing a branch. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policies of their respective platforms.

8. Data Security: The Digital Fortress

We protect your data with the vigilance of a leopard guarding its territory, using advanced technical and operational measures to ensure its safety.

9. Your Rights: The Power of the Individual

You have the right to:

  • Access your personal data, like a key to your own home
  • Correct inaccuracies, like straightening a bent twig
  • Request erasure, like a fresh rain washing away tracks
  • Object to processing, like a rhino standing its ground
  • Data portability, like a migrating wildebeest carrying its essence

To exercise these rights, contact us at [email protected]

10. Contact Us: The Open Plains of Communication

For any questions about this Privacy Policy, reach out to us:

Kenya Weekly Post Moi Avenue Business Centre 4th Floor, Suite 405 Nairobi, Kenya Email: [email protected] Phone: +254 20 5567 890

11. Changes to this Policy: The Evolving Landscape

Like the ever-changing patterns of zebra stripes, this policy may be updated. Check our website regularly for the most current version.

By using our services, you accept this policy as naturally as a giraffe accepts the height of trees. Together, let us journey through the digital savannah, respecting the delicate balance between information and privacy.